Tentacle Girl Crack

Tentacle Girl Crack 10,0/10 3569 reviews

BN, the 15-year old at right, told Ross how she was forced into prostitution as a child—by her mom: “My mom’s 32, a crack and meth addict,” she explained. “I think I was in the fourth grade. The foolishly brave girl sprinted forward, she dodges each incoming tentacle by jumping from side to side like a cheetah shifting positions when it sprints. She spotted Fig and went to cut him free, a cracking sound blasted against her tiny ears.


Elon 'The Wandering Spirit' Höglund

  • (Note: tentacles not involved in the pairing - a rarity in this list.g.) Give the Man a Hand, by bladegirl. Get Off, by zillah975. Now With Added Tentacles! By jadedragoness. We Learn Each Other Slowly, by raphaela667. (only briefly with.
  • Some women like to use douches to clean the vagina, but in actuality, this is totally unnecessary. It can also be dangerous because, according to Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist.

Born in Stockholm Sweden, Elon discovered his love for dance through breaking and Hip Hop at the age of seven. In parrallel to his love of Hip Hop, Elon has since an early age had a deep interest for Martial arts and has trained extensively in various forms: kung fu, capoeira, tae kwon do. Dance and movement evoked in him a realization of purpose, and he went on to find further inspiration in other street styles, theater and contemporary dance, which eventually lead to the creation of his own movement approach. Since 2001, Elon has performed and choreographed fusion-style contemporary works for theatre, dance and contemporary circus productions. Duck life battle full game free download.

In 2005, he was hired by Cirque Du Soleil to be part of the creation of The Beatles LOVE Show in Las Vegas, in which he performed and choreographed his own solo. Since then, Elon has performed all over North America, Europe and Asia with the companies Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Eloize, Bboyizm and Rubberbandance. He has worked with choreographers such as Dave St-Pierre, Daniel Ezralow, Mourad Merzouki, Victor Quijada and Koen Augustijnen.

In 2012 he co-founded Tentacle Tribe with choreographer Emmanuelle Lê Phan creating magnetic pieces such as Body to Body, When They Fall, Nobody Likes a Pixelated Squid, Fractals of you and Threesixnine, which have been presented in over 45 international cities. Their dance films: Elon & Emmanuelle, Vanishing Points and Crack the Cypher have received prizes at many film festivals. Elon's interest in pedagogy led him to develop and teach the Tentacle Tribe approach at Arizona State University, York University, DOCH (University for Dance and Circus in Stockholm) and at countless workshops all over the world.

Elon is also a member of Montreal’s Fresh Format B-boy crew and Stockholm’s Concrete Kingz.

Elon is currently working on “Immersive Storytelling” and immersive experience in collaboration with Anna Höglund.

Emmanuelle 'Cleopatra' Lê Phan

Québeco-vietnamese and raised in Ottawa, B-girl known as Cleopatra and co-founder of dance company Tentacle Tribe, Emmanuelle Lê Phan has forged a singular career path intermingling breaking, contemporary dance and circus performances. Although not a classical circus artist, her dance's virtuosity brought her to Cirque du Soleil stages (The Beatles LOVE Show in Las Vegas), Cirque Éloize stages (ID) and other international special events.

In essence, what draws her in is movement invention and choreographic finesse. In her body, a varied array of forms: breaking, popping, capoeira, parkour, house, modern and a desire to bond them into her own freestyle language. This versatility is the result of a varied training spectrum: from completing a BFA in contemporary dance at Concordia University in 2003, to battling in breaking and all-style categories since 1999. Her past collaborations include co-founding Solid State Breakdance Collective and dancing for Out Innerspace Dance Theatre, Rubberbandance, Marta Marta House of Pride and Bboyizm.

In 2012, the decision to create with Swedish choreographer Elon Höglund steers them into their new Tentacle Tribe universe. Since then, the company has created many works, notably Nobody Likes a Pixelated Squid, Threesixnine and Ghost. In the last five years, their work has been shown in over 70 cities worldwide along with workshop outreach and the dissemination of their four short films: Elon & Emmanuelle, Mami Origami, Vanishing Points and Crack the Cypher. As a solo choreographer, Emmanuelle has created a female trio, Origami Mami that has toured in many Hiphop festivals as well as commissioned pieces for Dansenshus Oslo's Urban Moves Festival, the 100LUX Festival and L’École de danse de Québec.

B-girl Cleopatra stays active on the breaking scene by repping with the all-female Legendary Crew.

J.K. Rowling constructed an entire wizarding world around a young, green-eyed protagonist: “The Boy Who Lived.” But the women of Harry Potter are essential to that boy and the universe he occupies. All seven books in the magical series are packed with female characters who make things happen and shape the story. They’re teachers, students, warriors, villains, and philosophers, and they make Harry Potter one of the most feminist YA series of the last several decades. My heart warms to think about how many millions of kids have immersed themselves in such a representative world.

Yet when the books were adapted into a cash cow of a film franchise, concessions had to be made. Whether for the sake of time, budget, or streamlining the story, some female Harry Potter characters saw their roles clipped and impact lessened. (Peripheral male characters were sacrificed too, to be fair.) But even without the luxury of thousands of pages of narration, the Harry Potter movie series does present an abundance of powerful girls and women for fans of all ages to love, hate, and cosplay. This list ranks the female characters of Harry Potter on screen in order of character development, from the borderline neglected to the palpably real.

28. Mrs. Granger

Hermione's muggle parents live far outside the main action, so it's hard to fault the movies for sidelining Mrs. Granger. What little fans know about the witch's mother includes her full support of her daughter's magical education, which is why it's so heartbreaking to watch Hermione wipe her mom and dad's memories to keep them safe in Deathly Hallows.

27. Romilda Vane

Romilda Vane is cast squarely in the 'vixen' role in the films. Worse still, she's a vixen who never even speaks. Still, I've got to give her props for going after the boy she wants (even if she essentially tries to drug him) and for fighting alongside her classmates in the Battle of Hogwarts.

26. Angelina Johnson

In what little screentime she has, Angelina makes a name for herself as a skilled Quidditch player and witch who somehow sees through his Peter Pan complex and down to the real value of George Weasley.

25. Pomona Sprout

10 points to the Hogwarts Herbology professor for not coddling Neville Longbottom in Chamber of Secrets after he's shocked into a faint by a mandrake.

24. Pansy Parkinson

Pansy simpers after Draco Malfoy, and also evidently goes to class once in a while. She's much nastier and more fun in the books.

23. Lavender Brown

Lavender has it real bad for Ron and shows it by being a Stage 5 Clinger. Her role in the movies is to provoke Hermione's jealousy, and she dies at the hands of Fenir Greyback before she can leave her teen obsessions behind.

22. Katie Bell

Poor Katie Bell's most notable scene is the one where she's possessed by a cursed necklace and tossed around like a rag doll by an unseen force. But she's also a chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and a founder member of Dumbledore's Army.

21. Madam Pomfrey

The Hogwarts school nurse is a no-nonsense woman who suffers no fool. Least of all sniveling Slytherin fools.

20. Madame Hooch

Madame Hooch all but disappears after Sorcerer's Stone, but never forget that she could fly circles around any 17-year-old boy on that Quidditch pitch.

19. Helena Ravenclaw

The Grey Lady's story (murdered at the hands of a jilted lover, the Bloody Baron) is an important cautionary tale about toxic masculinity and unfortunately truncated for pacing purposes. She does provide Harry with her mother's diadem, assisting in the eventual defeat of Lord Voldemort.

18. Padma & Pavarti Patil

Besides being DA members who are also smack in the middle of the fray in the Battle Of Hogwarts, the Patil sisters also refuse to act like they're enjoying their dates with a couple of boys who are completely ignoring them at the Yule Ball in Goblet Of Fire.

17. Madame Maxime

Madame Maxime became the highly respected Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy, even though the wizarding world has a prejudice against giants and giantesses. That's some swagger.

16. Lily Potter

Lily exists in the memories of the people who loved her. And I argue that much of Harry's character comes from her single most important act of love, stepping between him and Voldemort's wand.

15. Cho Chang

Tentacle Girl Crack Girl

Harry's first crush object, Cho shows resilience and determination after her boyfriend Cedric Diggory is killed by Voldemort by joining up with the DA to bring him down.

14. Rita Skeeter

What a pill, but you've got to respect her tenacity.


13. Ginny Weasley

If the Ginny Weasley from the books had made it to the films, she'd be ranked much higher. As it is, the movies skip over a lot of Ginny's development, including her elite Quidditch status and her unapologetic serial dating.

12. Moaning Myrtle

The silver lining of dying young in the Harry Potter world? Haunting the locker room and sneaking a peek at the living.

11. Fleur Delacour

Fleur is a fierce competitor in the Tri-Wizard tournament, practiced and determined. And the movies play down her vanity, making her a much more relatable character.

10. Sybill Trelawney

Professor Trelawney is considered to be a kook by many of her friends and colleagues. But the later films show her to be more connected to the spirit world than maybe she even thought. And her banishment by Umbridge will never not get my blood boiling.

9. Narcissa Malfoy

Narcissa is a conflicted woman, and that makes her compelling. She pledged herself long ago to something that suddenly doesn't seem so important anymore. Draco's safety and future begin to outweigh all other concerns and her humanity shows through the cracks.

8. Petunia Dursley

I'd have loved a 10-minute scene between Harry and his aunt where they drop all pretense and try to understand one another. There's so much shame, guilt, and anger bubbling below Petunia's prim surface; I wish she'd given up just a little more of her inner self.

Tentacle Girl Crack Movie

7. Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix has no moral compass to speak of, just the kicks she gets from causing others pain. Voldemort's #1 fan is completely unhinged and a total joy to watch.

6. Nymphadora Tonks

Even without her rainbow of hair colors, Nymphadora Tonks would have been the coolest chick in the Harry Potter canon. Remus Lupin tries to decide what's best for her, but she demands her agency and gets her man. And she shows Harry and his friends what a service it is to be an Auror, inspiring some future careers. Rest in peace, Tonks.

5. Dolores Umbridge

Female characters don't have to be likeable to be well-developed. Umbridge is more loathsome than even Voldemort, but man, she's a huge presence. She's made up of bigotry, fear, and a hunger for power. Her methods border on sadistic. Her comeuppance, therefore, is delicious.

4. Luna Lovegood

It takes a big personality to be known as the 'weird girl' in a school full of witches and wizards. Luna Lovegood is the poster child for being yourself and knowing that the people who really matter will have no trouble seeing your value.

3. Molly Weasley

Tentacle Girl Crack Game

Molly Weasley is a straight-up queen. She runs a tight ship at the Burrow, but she instantly opens her heart to her son's orphaned friend. She's a remarkably powerful witch whose chosen career is to put her skills to work to raise a family. And do not mess with any of her kids, because she will put a hurting on you like you would not believe.

2. Minerva McGonagall

My only complaint about Minerva McGonagall, the tough love source for generations of budding wizards and witches, is that she has zero personal life. Workaholic tendencies aside, McGonagall is the rock of Hogwarts. She's just as wise as Dumbledore but without the flightiness. That school wouldn't be standing without her.

1. Hermione Granger

The brightest witch of her age! Hermione Granger has such an arc over the course of the eight Harry Potter films. She comes to Hogwarts ready to put her head down and get to work, but quickly adapts to a world that sometimes requires more action than study. Hermione doesn't drop her own interests completely though. It's her exhaustive reading that saves Ron and Harry's skin plenty of times. She's just as strong as she is smart. Ron mopes about her date with Krum, and Hermione reminds him that he has no claim over her. She doesn't prize compassion over victory and encourages her friends to stop and think before they storm into danger. And she bloodies Malfoy's nose after he dares call her a 'mudblood.' Hermione wasn't even born into the wizarding world, but she walks around it like she owns the place.

I'm thankful for all these female characters, even the ones who could have been given just a little more narrative attention. Accio, feminism!

Images: Warner Bros. Pictures; teilia, hogwartsfansite (2), harrypottergif, flowers-of-a-hippie, weasleymarauder, smallherosix, dameronfinn, rupelover, scaredpotter, dundermifflinscranton, legendarywomen, analyzeitandweep, harryginnydaily, mrs-lily-grace-potter, themoaningmyrtle, crystalzelda, imaginesharrypotter, n-arcissamalfoy, jilyevotter, villainquoteoftheday, lupinatic, harrypotterstyleoflife, ijollie, collinsdebrov, studymotivationandmore; Giphy (2)